[ENT] Season 3, Episode 3: Extinction
Rating: 1
Whatever positives this episode may have, it’s overshadowed by the crew acting like gross animal-like aliens. There isn’t important information regarding the Xindi/Expanse arc, making this episode entirely skippable.
Read more at Memory Alpha

In the teaser we see an alien being hunted down by people with green lights. They hunt with flamethrowers

They look at the Xindi data they got from the last episode. All it tells them is information on one of the other Xindi species and a planet where some Xindi visited once. So they go to the planet

They need some of T’Pol’s magic immunities so Trip runs and gets a peach that she took one bite of before putting it away

The virus was meant to preserve a species that could no longer reproduce. Archer feels bad about destroying it, so instead they put the virus in a box where no one ever sees it again
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