[DS9] Season 3, Episode 3: The House of Quark
Rating: 3
This episode is a little silly, but it’s not all that bad. I like how they show changes on the station due to the scare from the Dominion, we get to see rare moments of the O’Briens getting along, and the episode showcases Klingon society, even though it’s mostly for laughs.
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A drunk Klingon accidentally stabbed himself. Quark figures this seems like a good thing to take credit for

Quark finds out that the brother has been lowering the value of their property to slowly ruin the house. This isn’t considered too honorable to the Klingons. Its kinda cool whenever Quark uses his “skills” in a useful way

Quark catches him in a classic Klingon honor paradox by acting like a defenseless wimp, thus removing his chance for an honorable kill
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