[ENT] Season 3, Episode 2: Anomaly
Rating: 3
We learn more about the anomalies in the expanse and what could prevent them. We’re also introduced to some more mysteries regarding the expanse. One of the main reasons I like this episode is that it introduces a moral arc that is mirrored in a later episode, about what the expanse does to people.
Read more at Memory Alpha

The pirate said they used to be noble, but they found out they couldn’t leave the expanse after they entered. After a while they started raiding newcomers to the expanse, ships that didn’t know they need the right kind of insulation. He says that eventually Archer will let his morality go in order to survive

Archer gets information from the pirate using unconventional methods. It works like a charm! In retrospect, he probably shouldn’t have mocked Archer for being a big softy when it comes to torture

They’re able to download some information on the Xindi from the pirates, but they aren’t going to tell us what they learned this episode
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