[DS9] Season 3, Episode 2: The Search Part 2

Rating: 3
We were left with an exciting cliff-hanger in the last episode, and the resolution isn’t quite as exciting. It’s still entertaining and we learn more about the Dominion.
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Odo links with the female changeling and he likes it. He says he’s home

Dax and O’Brien met with the founders and convinced them that they wanted peace. They all get back to DS9 and negotiations begin

Sisko meets the guy negotiating for the dominion. He says he’s a founder

The Romulans weren’t invited to the negotiations. They say they’ll go to war if they aren’t let in

The female changeling says they sent out a hundred infants to bring back knowledge of the universe. Odo is the first to return, 300 years earlier than expected. They genetically implanted a desire to return home in them

Kira finds a door

An agreement is reached, but it gives Bajor and the station to the Dominion

Odo tries being a bird

T’Rul is shot by the Jem’Hadar! Sisko puts up a fight.

They try to escape and blow up the warm hole, and Garak is shot!

They manage to blow up the warm hole

Odo and Kira get the door open and we find out everyone was just going through a simulation

Odo’s people are the founders! Odo asks if everyone can leave and she says okay
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