[TNG] Season 3, Episode 1: Evolution
Rating: 2
One of Wesley’s science projects goes awry and puts Enterprise in a little bit of danger. Mostly they just run the risk of missing a really cool space explosion. This episode isn’t that bad, just a little dull, and has a lot of Wesley.
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Beverly wants to know what she’s missed in regard to Wesley. “Does he have many friends? Has he ever been in love?”

Stuff starts to malfunction, and since it’s a TV show the malfunctions result in things like loud music playing for no reason, replicators going crazy, and a Borg ship showing up on sensors. When my stuff breaks, it just doesn’t work

Everyone gets a much better costume at the start of season 3 except Troi. She has to wait until season 6

The scientist says he rewards himself for his patience by watching baseball games in his head. Alright, weirdo

The scientist can’t let the nanites get in the way of watching the cool explosion so he kills a bunch of them

Data tries to figure out how to make contact with the nanites. He eventually finds a way to communicate with them on a terminal, but he thinks it would make for a better climax to the episode if the nanites took over his body to talk
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