[ENT] Season 2, Episode 26 (Netflix: S2 E26): The Expanse
Rating: 4
Most of this episode is build up, with a sub plot of dealing with a pesky Duras. I’m a sucker for a lot of the concepts they introduce in this episode. I found myself captivated by the idea of a region of space like the Bermuda triangle, and they do a good job of making it seem freaky. Things like this have been referenced in Star Trek before, but they weren’t as much of a focus, or done as well as “The Expanse”. Your feelings about this episode rely heavily on how accepting you are of this new direction Enterprise is taking. For now, I’m all for it. We know the third season is controversial among Star Trek fans, so we’ll have plenty of analysis to come.
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Almost like a second teaser, we see a Klingon council telling Duras that they’re giving him another chance for honor by getting Archer

He speaks to a shadow man from the future that tells Archer that it was the Xindi, and that they are being led by a faction from the future that is against both his faction and humans

Soval warns Archer about a mission to go after the Xindi. They figure out that the live somewhere in the Delphic expanse, a region of space where ships are lost, where dangerous aliens live, and crazy things happen that go against the laws of nature. I’m excited

We get our first look at a Xindi. As far as their look, so far, not so bad. My favorite part about them is that they don’t have dozens of brass-looking tubes going from their belts over their shoulders.

Admiral Forrest says there’s going to be a bunch of new characters in the next season because Archer asked for some help from the military

T’Pol has to choose to obey the high command and be reassigned, or resign and stay with Enterprise for their mission. Technically speaking, this is a cool move on T’Pol’s part, but it feels like it’s her only real option since she’s a main character in this TV show

Soval shows Archer a transmission from a Vulcan ship that went into the expanse. The Vulcans seem to be killing each other and generally just going insane. They do a decent job of creating some dread for what is to come, which isn’t easy to do in a Star Trek TV show

The klingons follow Enterprise into the edge of the expanse, but Enterprise does that thing where you fly into a dense cloud and then you’re behind the enemy
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