[TOS] Season 2, Episode 24 (Netflix: S2 E24): The Ultimate Computer
Rating: 2
This episode covers themes of machines/computers replacing people. If you find this theme interesting you’ll probably like this episode. The story plays out how you would expect, and Kirk even talks the computer to death.
Read more at Memory Alpha
They’re going to run some war games with Enterprise being controlled by a super computer
Yup, this is the M-5, the ultimate computer. The M-4 didn’t come with a steel drum
Kirk wants to go down to a planet with Bones and a geologist. The M-5 recommends sending different people because Kirk is “non-essential personnel”. Doesn’t the computer know that Kirk is the main character and gets to go everywhere?
Kirk feels like he’s being replaced
Then the M-5 starts taking control and destroys an unmanned ship
Kirk jabs Dr. Daystrom with his finger
The computer starts to protect itself and kills someone
Then the computer makes Enterprise fire on the federation ships that are part of the war game
Kirk convinces the computer that it’s murdered people, and the computer believes the punishment for murder is death, so it kills itself
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