[DS9] Season 2, Episode 22 (Netflix: S2 E22): The Wire
Rating: 4
This is another episode focusing on the Cardassians and specifically Garak, which of course means it’s a good one.
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Garak says that he was exiled from Cardassia because he killed a transport with his friend Elim, a bunch of Bajorans, and the daughter of someone important.

In this episode Odo shows off how much he cares about security and justice. He’s willing to do illegal things if it keeps people safe, and he isn’t bothered by Garak’s state because he might be a suspect in crimes

Garak explains that what really happened was that he was punished for allowing the Bajorans to get away. He talks about a man named Tain a lot. He was the head of the Obsidian Order and Garak was his right hand man

Garak is dying! He said he was best friends with Elim, but something went wrong and he tried to pin it on Elim, but Elim had beat him to it. Garak ended up taking the fall, and being exiled

Bashir decides that he needs answers from the people who did this to Garak. He goes to Tain, and Tain gives Bashir information that saves him. Tain also tells Bashir that Elim is Garak’s first name
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