[ENT] The Crossing

[ENT] Season 2, Episode 18 (Netflix: S2 E18): The Crossing

The Crossing

Rating: 2

The Crossing is a little slow and has some other minor issues, which make it skippable. I like the way we slowly learn the aliens intentions, and the underlying exploration theme, but it isn’t enough to bring it to a 3.

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Enterprise gets swallowed by a big ship

Enterprise gets swallowed by a big ship

A wisp thing takes over Trip's body

A wisp thing takes over Trip’s body

The wisps mainly just want to check out what bread is like

The wisps mainly just want to check out what bread is all about

After only hearing Trip say a couple of things, this guy realizes something's wrong with him.

After only hearing Trip say a couple of things, this guy realizes something’s wrong with him.

When a wisp takes over Reed's body he says all kinds of weird things and for a while T'Pol just thinks he's drunk or something. And T'Pol is already aware that wisps are taking over people

When a wisp takes over Reed’s body he says all kinds of creepo things and for a while T’Pol just thinks he’s been drinking. And T’Pol is already aware that wisps are taking over people. T’Pol must just have a really low opinion of Reed.

Mayweather runs away from one of them into the catwalk, and it can't follow him in there cause of the extra shielding

Mayweather runs away from one of them into the catwalk, and it can’t follow him in there cause of the extra shielding

Then Trip gets taken over while he was in the catwalk? Or maybe he left for some reason? I don't know, they don't explain it

Then Trip gets taken over while he was in the catwalk? Or maybe he left for some reason? I don’t know, they don’t explain it

Archer and T'Pol form a plan to momentarily kill the crew that are taken over because the wisps can't survive in a dead body just like they can't survive in space. Haven't we seen one fly through space already?

Archer and T’Pol form a plan to momentarily kill the crew that are taken over because the wisps can’t survive in a dead body just like they can’t survive in space. Haven’t we seen one fly through space already?


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