[ENT] Future Tense

[ENT] Season 2, Episode 16 (Netflix: S2 E16): Future Tense

Future Tense
Rating: 4

Despite this episode seeming like a lot of build up, all that’s actually established is that the Temporal Cold War is still going on. This episode still has a lot of draw, and is exciting. A lot of cool mysteries are introduced, even if they aren’t exactly answered.

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There's a dead human inside??

They find a little ship floating in space. There’s a dead human inside??

Archer thinks it could be Zefram Cochrane. Hasn't he seen TOS?

Archer wonders if it could be Zefram Cochrane. Hasn’t he seen TOS?

Organic circuitry?

Organic circuitry!

The ship is bigger on the inside

The ship is bigger on the inside

While Reed and Trip search through the future ship, the Suliban show up

While Reed and Trip search through the pod, the Suliban show up

I like how Archer gives T'Pol a look, and she walks over to Reed's station

I like how Archer gives T’Pol a look, and she walks over to Reed’s station

Trip finds something in the ship that still has some power. He's gonna try to get it working

Trip finds something in the ship that still has some power. He’s gonna try to get it working

The body also has Vulcan genes, among other things

The body also has Vulcan genes, among other things

Archer checks Daniels' device to see if the ship is from the future. Wait, they still haven't figured that out yet?

Archer checks Daniels’ device to see if the ship is from the future. Wait, they still haven’t figured that out yet?

A Tholian ship shows up

A Tholian ship shows up

The Tholians have an unpleasant language. I actually think the way they did it was really cool

The Tholians have an unpleasant language. I actually think the way they did it was really cool

Trip and Reed experience some kind of time loop

Trip and Reed experience some kind of time loop

Trip thinks the device he found is a beacon. He's still working on getting it working

Trip thinks the device he found is a beacon

The Suliban show up again, only this time with more of a force

The Suliban show up again, only this time with more of a force. Enterprise races to meet their Vulcan escort

When they get to the Vulcan ship, they find it disabled

When they get to the Vulcan ship, they find it disabled. It’s been attacked by the Tholians!

A big battle breaks out

A big battle breaks out

Trip gets the beacon working and all the future stuff disappears

Trip gets the beacon working and all the future stuff disappears


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