[TNG] Season 2, Episode 4 (Netflix: S2 E4): The Outrageous Okona
Rating: 1
This ones a real eye-roller. It’s a study of humor, which even if done by really funny people would be a bit painful. It’s a self-defeating premise. Studying humor makes it not funny anymore. It also has the Rocketeer with a clip-on pony-tail.
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Enterprise comes across a guy in a ship. He jokes about how he used to be considered dangerous, and that he’s all alone.
Then Troi tells us that he’s brazen, might be mischievous, and can be described as a rogue. Yeah, that’s pretty much what he just told us, right?
They beam over Okona. Why is everyone hiding behind Worf
Okona wants to sleep with Louis
Okona asks if Data has ever been drunk. Data says not from alcohol. Yeah but there was that one time
Everyone keeps telling Data horrible jokes, and says it’s Data’s fault for not laughing.
Data seeks out the guidance of a holographic comedian. It’s painful
Two ships show up and each want Okona handed over to them. They threaten action but are too weak to damage Enterprise
Wesley says he couldn’t live a life without all his friends and family, always having to leave somewhere else
It turns out everyone was lying and hiding something. If only there was someone there who could read minds
Troi says we’re hearing some truth now. Thanks Deanna!
Data tries a comedy routine. It sucks
But then Data makes everyone laugh because he doesn’t understand basic communication. He feels proud of himself, but they’re laughing AT you, Data.
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