[TOS] Season 2, Episode 4 (Netflix: S2 E4): Mirror, Mirror
Rating: 3
It’s the mirror universe episode that started it all, so that counts for something, right? It’s an interesting concept executed in a goofy way, even for TOS standards. It’s still a really entertaining episode, so it earns a 3.
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Kirk is negotiating for starfleet to mine dylithium on this guy’s planet. There’s also an ion storm.

Something’s gone wrong! Things are more sparkly! Uhura’s belly is exposed! Awkwardly placed pins are on their uniforms!

The situation created where Kirk has to kill all the Halkanians, or be killed himself, is a cool way of motivating the characters into action

Scotty was supposed to screw with the phasers so they wouldn’t have to kill all the people on the planet, but there was a man standing in the way, so he doesn’t

Somehow in the middle of the showdown, Kirk apparently has time to make a captains log which narrates over the incident

Meanwhile back in the normal universe, the Mirror-Kirk is sent to jail and is really confused. Mirror-Kirk: “Spock, where’s your beard?”
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