[VOY] Season 2, Episode 2 (Netflix S2 E2): Initiations
The episode features Chakotay hanging out with a Kazon kid. If this sounds like something that interests you, then check it out. While there still isn’t anything too interesting established for the Kazon, it’s nice to see them at least attempt to add depth to their culture.
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Janeway lets Chakotay borrow a shuttlepod to do some ritual. Why can’t this ritual be done in his quarters, or the holodeck, or the hallway? I’m pretty sure Chakotay just made up the rules for this shuttlepod ritual.
File under: Cave!

Chakotay says he cherishes the federation uniform. I guess not enough to stay in the federation. Shouldn’t this be a time where Chakotay talks about the Maquis or something?

Kazon-Nog says the Kazon shared a homeworld with the Trabe, who had all the technology and uniforms. The Kazon overthrew them recently

Chakotay comes up with a plan for Kazon-Nog to kill him so he can earn his name, and then The Doctor can just bring him back from the dead. Kazon-Nog decides to kill the Ogla leader instead. The kid had a better plan than you, Chakotay
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