[TOS] Season 1, Episode 15 (Netflix: S1 E16): Shore Leave
Rating: 2
I suppose if you’re in the right mood this episode is mildly enjoyable. The actors seem to be having fun, and things get zany enough that some viewers might enjoy the episode on those terms. The plot gets pretty repetitive in its midsection, which happens sometimes in the original series.
Read more at Memory Alpha
Similar to If Wishes Were Horses from DS9, and Where No One Has Gone Before from TNG
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I like how embarrassed Bones is to have to report this to Kirk. We’re all embarrassed Bones, don’t feel bad.

After what Kirk has just seen and heard about, he seriously doesn’t believe Barrows story about seeing Don Juan?
File under: Keep your shirt on Kirk

Before the opening credits we see Bones thinking about Alice in Wonderland, and then he sees Alice in wonderland. Every viewer (except maybe the Voyager fans) figures out right from the start that these things are appearing because of their thoughts. Yet it takes about 40 minutes for Kirk to verbalize that he’s finally figured it out
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