TOS Season 1, Episode 1 (Netflix: S1 E2): The Man Trap Rating: 3
A salt-sucking, shape-shifting vampire creature slinks around the Enterprise, often disguised as a love from McCoy’s past.
Far too much time is spent with the creature going from one crew-member to the next, being creepy but not advancing the plot in the least. Fortunately there are a number of great character moments, and the central conflict (explored mostly in the first and last ten minutes of the show) with Bones dealing with the visage of a woman he loved elevates the episode to a 3.
10:26-11:30 Kind of strange scene between Uhura and Spock. Spock’s reaction is supposed to be cold and alien, but it comes off more as Uhura being a weirdo and Spock reacting appropriately… “Why don’t you tell me I’m an attractive young lady” -Uhura