Starship Mine is an all around fun episode, but I think my favorite parts are the low stakes aspects of Enterprise life. The business of getting everyone off the ship for the sweep has a tangible “big day” energy to it that works very nicely. There’s some hokey humor but a lot of it still works, too. Of course it’s entertaining to see Picard pretty casually handle some hooligans as well.
Data is trying out “small talk”Everyone leaves the ship for a big green sweepThe crew is hosted by a guy that takes great interest in all of them, who took the time to learn about each of them, and tries his hardest to keep them entertained. The crew does their best to avoid the psycho.Picard escapes by saying he’s going back to the ship get his saddle.But then Tuvok is there to stop him. Tuvok, how could youSo Picard knocks him out and leaves him to die.But then the power goes out. Time to get the candles.Meanwhile, there is a ‘small talk’ showdown.Picard gets captured and reveals he’s just the ship’s barber. I knew it!But then he causes trouble!Worf’s room is the armory of the Enterprise. Picard is about to go Swiss Family Robinson on these fools. Back at the station, there is a loud noise.Picard and the bandits avoid the green sweep all the way to 10-Forward, where they have a showdown. The bandit lady gets away and Picard asks the station if they could turn off the sweep, please.But then Picard has a thing in his hand and the escaping lady blows up!And most importantly he gets his saddle back.