Imaginary Friend is an uninspired story that doesn’t feature much in the way of good incidental character scenes. On top of that, it’s very kid-focused, which tends to not be a strong suit for Star Trek.
*note: this was originally a two, but after consideration and some thoughtful comments, we downgraded the rating.
An alien comes aboard Enterprise and takes the form of a girl’s imaginary friendShe gives smiling a tryBut mostly she just gets her friend Clara in trouble.Troi tries to get Clara to make a real friend, and Troi happens to know someone who has also never had a (non-tree-branch) friend. Also, I think one of your spikes is a little off, Alexander.The imaginary friend gets her ultimate revenge by making Troi spill some hot chocolate. Awesome prank lolA lot more Alexander in these last few episodes than I would like.Clara only has like 6 things in her closet.Eventually, the aliens start attacking the ship and Picard has to talk with them, which is always the best part of every episode.