[TNG] The Loss

[TNG] Season 4, Episode 10: The Lossthe lossRating: 1 

The producers must have felt like Troi was getting too likable. It could’ve been interesting to examine what it would be like for a character that is used to sensing the emotions of others in a palpable way become like a normal human, but in this episode it mostly translates to Troi whining.

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Something happens to Troi and she loses her telepathic abilities

Something happens to Troi and she loses her telepathic abilities

She isn't handling it well

She isn’t being super cool about it.

Enterprise is stuck in some particles. It's a bunch of 2D creatures

Enterprise is stuck in some particles. It’s a bunch of 2D creatures, hey that sounds kinda interesting, too bad it’s stuck in “Sci-Fi B-Plot That Is Resolved Quickly At The End” world.

Troi's attitude gets worse. "How do you people live like this?"

Troi’s attitude gets worse. “How do you people live like this?”

She resigns

She resigns

Riker touches her shoulder

Riker touches her shoulder

She sees the actual ship's counselor

She sees the actual ship’s counselor

The particles are pulling Enterprise into a cosmic string. It will destroy them!

The particles are pulling Enterprise into a cosmic string. It will destroy them!

Troi is ordered to figure out what these particles want. She tells Data he isn't thinking 2 dimensional

Troi is ordered to figure out what these particles want. She tells Data he isn’t thinking 2 dimensionally. Get it.

They figure everything out and Troi's powers return

They figure everything out and Troi’s powers return

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