[ENT] Season 1, Episode 25 (Netflix: S1 E24): Two Days and Two Nights
Rating: 3–
Some of you may be shocked that we’re giving this a 3, considering we tend not to go for the attempted-comedy episodes, but there were some aspects we liked about this one. The shear number of plots made the episode move quickly enough that the lame plot-lines weren’t too annoying. We liked that arrival to Risa had been built up to. Phlox may be our favorite character in Enterprise, and this is a good episode for him, which is a main reason for it barely making it to a 3 rating.
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Hoshi practices talking in Risan with a couple next to her. They leave plates full of food to get out of the conversation.

Hoshi meets a guy that sees that Hoshi is really interested in language and then it turns out he is really interested in language. Weird. He keeps asking her how to pronounce a bunch of fruit.